FOX SULPHATSEAL FS275, Çimento esaslı, tek komponentli, polimer takviyeli, sülfata dayanıklı, evsel atık su içerisinde bulunan kimyasallara ve mekanik etkilere karşı dayanıklı, beton ve çimento esaslı sıvalar üzerine içten ya da dıştan uygulanan, su yalıtımı malzemesidir.
Fields of Application
- Indoors and Outdoors, from the positive direction,
- In municipal wastewater plants with a depth of less than 15 m, on the surface repaired or plastered with FOX MORTAR FC188 T, as an impermeable topcoat,
- Protecting the upper surfaces of the canals and canalettes and waterproofing,
- Coating of domestic waste water plants and reinforced concrete pipes,
- Protection of waste water channel and concrete pipes against sulphate effects,
- Used in wastewater and rainwater storage.
- Resistant to sulfate effects,
- High mechanical strength,
- Water vapor permeable,
- Does not shrink or crack,
- Resistant to freeze and thaw effect,
- Only mixed with water,
- Easy and fast application,
- Working time is long,
- Can be applied by brush, trowel or spraying method.
- It is suitable for continuous domestic wastewater and rainwater contact,
- Can be used safely in drinking water tanks.
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