FOX PURATHANE® TOPCOAT WB is a modified polyurethane based, two component, water based, UV resistant, high abrasion resistance, aliphatic isocyanate containing top coat coating material.
Field of Application
- As a top coat coating on FOX EPOTHANE® and FOX PURATHANE® series floor systems,
- As a coating on walls and ceilings,
- As a top coat coating on the old epoxy and polyurethane coatings,
- As a top coat coating on the old ceramic, marble and granite,
- On areas that exposed to heavy / medium / light traffic loads,Depots,Production facilities,
- Aircraft hangars,
- Car parks,
- Garages,
- Airports,
- Shopping Malls,
- Super markets,
- Stores and showrooms,
- Congress center and exhibition halls,
- Hotels,
- Hospitals and rest rooms,
- Clinics,Schools,
- Kinder gardens,
- Libraries,Offices,
- Chemical and pharmaceutical ındustries,
- Laboratories,
- The areas where hygiene is requested,
- It is used in areas where the floor is supposed to be flexible to a certain degree.
- Resistance to UV.
- Provides excellent adherence.
- Has perfect chemical resistance.
- Has perfect mechanical resistance.
- Has resistant to abrasion.
- Elastic.
- Economic.
- Easy to apply.
- Can be applied on asphalt.
- Bond strength is high.
- Bright topcoat application is obtained.
- Maintenance and cleaning is easy.
- Provides hygienic environments.
- Does not show dirt.
- Sterilization is easy.
- It has surface structure that does not allow the formation of germs.
- Liquid.
- Liquid impermeable.
- It is hydrophobic (water repellent).
- It does not contain volatile organic matter (VOC-solvent).
Additional information